May 2024
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Home again, home again.

Hi to all!! I’m happy to say that I am out of the hospital, and back to the “comfort” of my couch, and happy company of my annoying little kitties bouncing on my head.

The surgery went well, they removed somewhere around twenty lymph nodes, which is a lot, but as they got deeper they biopsied one of the nodes which had no cancer cells, and they were able to stop there without removing the lymph nodes in the pelvic area, which would have been a much harder recovery and significantly increased my risk for lymphedema. The incision is significant, about eight inches long, all covered in staples, along the crease of my leg. There are also two drains that will remain in for a few weeks. Sort of distracts from my other scar that is healing nicely on the back of my leg.

Before I left the hospital yesterday I met with a physical therapist who said that I am not showing any signs of swelling in the leg, which is excellent. The plan is to try to get as active as I can, and I will only have to get the compression stockings if I start to show signs of swelling. Another permenant risk is infection in the leg from scratches or wounds. I am going to have to consistently monitor my leg for any scratches, as there is really limited infection protection in that leg now. Daddy had the kitties taken to the groomer to have their nails trimmed. :)

All in all, I am feeling pretty good, the pain is pretty well managed now, but the numbness is a very strange feeling. I am not sure that I will regain any of the feeling in the upper thigh, as I was warned that some would be permenant, I’m hoping that the some of the large area will repair itself after some time.

“If you are going through hell, keep going.”

~ Winston Churchill

I’ve got a good stock of movies and books, but if anyone has any suggestions, please feel free to share!! And here are a couple of shots of my couch partners, Lil Boy and StinkStink. :)

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